


These are two special variables that will be available for use during the scriptblock of any Polaris Route. $Request is used to represent information that was requested from the client. $Response is used to hold information that you would like to send back to the client.


$Request is tied to the [PolarisRequest] class and $Response is a [PolarisResponse] the information on what properties and methods each class contains are described below


Property Description
[object]$Body By default this is empty but is an [object] so it can be used to store any format of data. Useful for middlware parsers such as a json body converter.
[string]$BodyString This is the full body of the request in string format
[NameValueCollection]$Query Gets the query string included in the request.
[string[]]$AcceptTypes Gets the MIME types accepted by the client.
[string]$Method Gets the HTTP method specified by the client. (i.e. POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, etc.)
[uri]$URL Gets the Uri object requested by the client.
[string]$UserAgent Gets the user agent presented by the client.
[string]$ClientIP Gets the IP address of the client making the request.
[HttpListenerRequest]$RawRequest Gets the full raw HttpListenerRequest.
[PSCustomObject]$Parameters Parameters extracted from url patters. See about_routing for more details.
[IPrincipal]$User The user making the request. The information stored here will depend on the authentication method set.
[CookieCollection]$Cookies Gets the cookies sent with the request.
[NameValueCollection]$Headers Gets the collection of header name/value pairs sent in the request.



Property Description
[byte[]]$ByteResponse Gets and sets a byte response to be sent to the client. You may set this directly but you should not run any of the Send methods as those methods will overwrite this property.
[string]$ContentType Gets and sets the content type to be sent to the client.
[WebHeaderCollection]$Headers Gets and sets the headers to be sent to the client.
[int]$StatusCode Gets and sets the status code to be sent to the client.
[Stream]$StreamResponse Gets and sets a stream response to be sent to the client. You may set this directly but you should not run any of the Send methods as those methods will overwrite this property.
[HttpListenerResponse]$RawResponse Gets the HttpListenerResponse for direct access to what will be sent to the client.


The [PolarisResponse] class provides a series of helper methods that can be used to send information to the client a bit easier than accessing the properties directly.

Method Description
Send() Sends an empty response to the client
Send([string]$stringResponse) Sets the value of the $ByteResponse property to the value of the string passed as the argument. *Note: You will still have to set the content type.
SendBytes([byte[]]$byteArray) Sets the value of $ByteResponse to your $ByteArray
Json([string]$stringResponse Sets the value of $ByteResponse to the value of the string passed as the argument and sets the $ContentType to application/json
SetHeader([string]$headerName, [string]$headerValue) Sets the value of a header
SetStatusCode([int]$StatusCode) Sets the value of $StatusCode
SetContentType([string]$ContentType) Sets the MIME type of the response
SetStream([Stream]$Stream) Sets the value of $ResponseStream
GetContentType([string]$Path) Gets the content type of a file given a filepath.

