How to file an issue

This project supports filing three kinds of issues: bug reports, new tutorial requests, and new tutorial implementation requests.

Before you file any issue, make sure to follow these steps:

  1. Search the existing issues for this repository. If there is an issue that fits your needs, don’t file a new one. Subscribe, react, or comment on that issue instead.
  2. Think of a descriptive title. Issue titles should be a short synopsis of the problem or request to help people orient themselves when looking at the issue list.
  3. If you’re requesting a new tutorial or a new implementation of an existing tutorial, read the information about contributing a tutorial

Bug reports #

To report issues with a tutorial or code sample, like typos, technical and factual errors, and grammar, use the following button:

File a bug report

Requesting a new tutorial #

To request a new tutorial, consider the learning goals for the tutorial. Why is it needed? What gap will it fill? Who is the intended audience? What scenario will it address?

When you have a concrete idea for the new tutorial, use the following button to submit your request:

Request a new tutorial

Requesting a new tutorial implementation #

To request a new language implementation for an existing tutorial, use the following button to submit your request:

Request a new implementation
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